Hi there!
Man weeks go by so fast. Seriously so so fast. Started off with a fun Pday with the Zollikofen sisters in Grindelwald again, but we went on a chill walk around the town and little Swiss houses.
We also got to carve pumpkins that night for family home evening!! That was so fun haha. Second Halloween away from home but I still get to carve my pumpkin :) thank goodness.
We had a fun time eating raclette after our district meeting. Honestly though, it was just to use the cheese Dagmar sent me haha. Did I mention that Sister Jones can't eat gluten, starch or any milk products? She can't even eat potatoes. This is the absolute worst country to be serving a mission in with that allergy, I tell you what. Anyway, my district was nice enough to help us finish the cheese :)
One of the highlights this week was when Bruder Jäggi received the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday. A scripture came into my mind as I watched in sacrament meeting. In 3 Nephi 17:20 where Christ looks over the faithful saints in the Americas and says, "Blessed are ye because of your faith. And now behold, my joy is full." That last part came to me as he was receiving the Holy Ghost, "my joy is full." And it really was! Nothing fills your soul with as much joy as seeing someone covenant with Heavenly Father to always follow Him. Nothing fills you with as much joy as seeing someone be able to have the constant companionship of the Spirit with them from that point on. It's really beautiful.
Another really cool experience was on Saturday. Kind of hard/weird to explain, but we've met the friend of a member. She had been to several church activities and loves the church and finds all these problems with her church, yet is very set in staying in her church. She doesn't want to change. Well anyway, we still have gotten to know each other through this member and one time I said, "hey! I bet you have some beautiful walks that you go on with your dog! Can we come some time?" And she said, of course!
Well we came, all ready to walk and when she found out that we had to leave in an hour she was like, "ah no, that's not enough time, let's just drink some tea all together!" So we did and it ended up being sooo good. She let us teach her all about the plan of salvation. She was also asking us all these questions about receiving revelation and answers to prayers. We asked her if we could pray for her at the end and she excitedly said yes. The spirit was so so strong. It was so incredible. She really felt in her heart that what we were saying to her was true! Incredible. You walk out of stuff like this, look at your companion, have no idea what you said in there but somehow the spirit guides you and creates a beautiful symphony of us bearing testimony, asking inspired questions, the person being taught being able to answer their own questions and the spirit bearing witness in all our hearts that our message is true. It's really beautiful.
Hope everyone's doing well! Have a great week!
-Sister Lehmann
True love❤️
Selfies with the cows
There was a fridge-chalet-self-serve-alp-cheese thing. It was yummy :)
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District finding in Biel
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Biel again, exchanging with Sister Selph for the hour.
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Trying to take cute autumn pictures but the umbrella broke and got stuck in my hair.
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Our lovely appartment building. Our lovely dumpster❤️
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Our lovely mail box (do you recognize Sister Jone's scarf, Grandma?)
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One last meal with Esther, she just moved. So sad. But she treated us to Döner and that's not so sad. Haha that's my very first Döner. I hear in Germany you can find them for 2 euros!! Well here they're 15.