Monday, November 14, 2016

First Week in Linz

Hey there! 

Well, first week in Linz! It's pretty good here, not as pretty as Solothurn, I must say, but still nice :) 

I was really sad to say goodbye to Sister Jones. We had a lot of fun together. I was also so sad to say goodbye to Karyna, but I'm excited to hear all about her baptism next month :) 
Last Wednesday I left the apartment at 7am, and finally arrived in Linz at 6:30 pm. Haha it was a long day. I really went from one side of the mission to the other. Sister Leonard from Seattle is my new companion. She's really sweet, just a bit stressed right now seeing as she's only been on her mission 6 week and is trying to show me everything. She also was sick, like in-her-apartment-all-day-sick-in-bed, her entire first transfer so that's also a bit tough but we're figuring it out!

Haha it was so funny, so we had a member appointment this week with a really old Schwester Dafalias who literally made us, the Elders and the senior missionary couple, a 5-course meal. It was delicious. It was absolutely incredible. The best was when Sister Leonard looks at me and says, "Can I have more soup?" I was a little dumbfounded and was like, "What, are you asking me?? What?" Haha and then one of the Elders goes on to quote "The best two years" when the other missionaries ask the new missionary if he wants to go the store and the new missionary then asks his trainer, "Elder Rogers, do I want to go to the store?" "I don't know Elder, I'm not your mother." Haha

Other than that it was super cool when one night we went street contacting and met these two guys. They said that they would come to church, but I've heard that one too many times to really believe that they would haha. Anyway, I prayed for them anyway, and they really did come! As everyone was filing in late to Sacrament meeting, two of the guys coming in looked super familiar to me and then I realized why! They stayed for all three hours of church and we have an appointment for Tuesday! Super super cool. 

We were at a family's house for lunch after church on Sunday and I was able to show Bruder Vogl the pictures from dad's mission and the ward members in Linz. He was only three at the time, but he still was able to recognize a bunch of them, and point out who had died or gone less active or who was still strong and active in the church. That was really cool. 

Have a great week!

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